小米,刺參,螺頭淮山雞湯Millet, Prickly Sea Cucumber, Conch, Chinese Yam, and Chicken Soup


  1. 補氣養血:刺參、淮山和雞肉都具有補氣養血的功效,能夠增強體力,提高免疫力。

  2. 美容養顏:小米中含有豐富的維生素B群和硒元素,能夠促進皮膚新陳代謝,有助於保持皮膚健康和美麗。

  3. 改善睡眠:小米中含有一種叫做三唑仑的物質,能夠有助於緩解焦慮和失眠問題。

  4. 平衡膳食營養:小米和淮山都是優質的澱粉類食物,能夠提供身體所需的能量和營養,而螺頭和雞肉則提供豐富的蛋白質和礦物質。


Millet, Prickly Sea Cucumber, Conch, Chinese Yam, and Chicken Soup is a traditional Chinese nourishing soup made from various ingredients such as millet, prickly sea cucumber, conch, Chinese yam, and chicken. It has several benefits, including:

  • Nourishing Qi and Blood: Prickly sea cucumber, Chinese yam, and chicken all have the effect of nourishing Qi and blood, which can enhance physical strength and boost immunity.
  • Beautifying Skin: Millet is rich in vitamin B group and selenium, which can promote skin metabolism and help maintain healthy and beautiful skin.
  • Improving Sleep: Millet contains a substance called triazolam, which can help relieve anxiety and sleep problems.
  • Balancing Nutrient Intake: Millet and Chinese yam are high-quality starch foods that can provide the body with the energy and nutrients it needs, while conch and chicken provide rich protein and minerals.

Overall, Millet, Prickly Sea Cucumber, Conch, Chinese Yam, and Chicken Soup is a nourishing soup that is rich in nutrients and has a beneficial effect on improving overall health and beauty.


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