Cantonese Soup Benefits 煲湯




老火靚湯配方裡,除了肉,一定還有藥食同源的滋補佳品,比如山藥、蓮子,花旗參、花膠、海參、燕窩、鮑魚,螺頭,乾貝,當歸、枸杞等等等等滋補之品。 調理身體的方法有很多種,但性價比最高的方法就是食療了,學會煲湯,受益終身。

這裡先把 ,我們把廣東人煲湯好喝 的小竅門如各種配料跟你們分享一下。

Cantonese cuisine uses a wide variety of ingredients and is known for its delicious and pure flavors.

In Cantonese culinary culture, soup has always been an essential and important part of daily meals, and Cantonese people believe that "it's better to have no food than to have no soup."

Soup is one of the most delicious, nutritious, and easily digestible foods. We believe in the concept of nourishing the body with food and medicine from the same source, and each season has its own soup that is appropriate for that season. There is a wide variety of delicious soups to choose from.

In addition to meat, traditional Cantonese soups often include various nourishing ingredients such as Chinese yam, lotus seeds, American ginseng, fish maw, sea cucumber, bird's nest, abalone, conch, dried scallops, and astragalus root. There are many ways to take care of your body, but the most cost-effective method is through food therapy. Learning how to make soup will benefit you for life.

Here, at Seafood and Plants we will share with you some tips on how Cantonese people make delicious soups.

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