Dendrobium Nobile Benefits 石斛


  1. 益胃生津
  2. 滋陰清熱




  1. 免疫調節作用:石斛中的多糖成分能夠調節人體的免疫功能,提高人體的免疫力。
  2. 抗氧化作用:石斛中的多糖、植物固醇等成分具有一定的抗氧化作用,能夠清除自由基,保護細胞免受氧化損傷。
  3. 保護心血管健康:石斛中的黃酮成分能夠降低血脂和血壓,保護心血管健康。
  4. 改善內分泌功能:石斛中的生物鹼成分具有一定的激素樣作用,能夠調節內分泌功能,改善女性月經不調等問題。
  5. 滋養肝腎:石斛具有滋養肝腎的作用,能夠改善肝腎功能不佳等問題。


石斛 (Shí hú) is a type of traditional Chinese herb known as Dendrobium Nobile or Noble Dendrobium in English. It is often used in Chinese medicine for its various health benefits.

In Chinese medicine, Dendrobium Nobile (石斛) is believed to have several health benefits, including:

  1. Boosting immune function: Dendrobium Nobile is thought to enhance the body's natural defenses and strengthen the immune system, which may help to prevent illness and disease.
  2. Supporting digestive health: This herb is also believed to improve digestion and alleviate digestive disorders, such as stomach pain, bloating, and diarrhea.
  3. Promoting hydration: Dendrobium Nobile is said to nourish the fluids in the body and promote hydration, which can help to alleviate dry mouth, thirst, and other symptoms of dehydration.
  4. Supporting respiratory health: This herb is often used to treat respiratory ailments, such as cough, bronchitis, and asthma, as it is thought to have a soothing effect on the respiratory system.
  5. Boosting cognitive function: Dendrobium Nobile is also believed to improve cognitive function and enhance memory, which may help to prevent age-related cognitive decline.
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