Morel Mushroom Daikon Chicken Broth with Ginger, Dates and Gogi Berry. A Cold Remedy and Immune Booster


Simply heavenly

Ingredients: organic chicken broth, morel mushroom, daikon, ginger, dried scallops, dates, goji berry.

Very good soup when you get sick or when you need some easy to digest. Full of nutrients.

羊肚菌具有和胃、消食、化痰理氣的功效,用於治療消化不良、痰多、氣短等症狀。羊肚菌營養豐富。在真菌中,羊肚菌的蛋白質含​​量比香菇等常見食用菌高。加上清甜的蘿蔔,它具有保護胃黏膜的功效,此外白蘿蔔所富含的維生素C和微量元素鋅,則有助於增強身體的免疫功能、提高抗病能力。 在中醫理論裡,白蘿蔔可以助消化、振奮腸胃,使消化道裡的濕氣能盡快被排除,痰也會跟著減少。

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