Braised Sea Cucumber with Rice Recipe

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 1. 鍋中放油放入蔥段、薑片、炸金光後撈出留油備用。
 2. 將一勺蠔油、兩勺薄鹽生抽、少許鹽,兩縧海參,一碗水,兩勾澱粉混合調勻後小火煮開。
 3.倒入蔥薑油混合後放入海參泡兩三分鐘,為了使 海參入味兒。
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Low-fat high-protein, 100% nutritious Chinese-style brunch Braised Sea cucumber with rice. The soup in this dish is really amazing, so delicious. I want to share it with everyone.

Braised Sea cucumber with rice recipe:

  1. Heat oil in a pan and add scallion and ginger slices. Fry until golden and then remove and set aside the oil.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of soy sauce, two tablespoons of light salt soy sauce, a little salt, two sea cucumbers, oyster sauce, a bowl of water, and two tablespoons of cornstarch. Heat the mixture on low heat until it boils.
  3. Add the scallion and ginger oil mixture and let it simmer for two to three minutes with the sea cucumber to enhance the flavor.

If you want to boost your immune system, try eating sea cucumbers!

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