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Dried Morel Mushroom 羊肚菌(0.5 LB)

Regular price $80.99 USD
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Morels are one of the most desired wild mushrooms in the world. They are not farmed like grocery store mushrooms, cremini, portobello, oyster, etc. but gathered in the wild. The part that we eat is the fruiting body of the underground organism called mycelium that has a complex symbiotic relationship with trees. Morels are delicious. Even people who don’t like mushrooms often love morels because of their meaty texture and earthy, nutty flavor.

Morels are a precious food and medicine with rich nutrition and remarkable effects. Rich in amino acids and organic germanium, morels nourish the kidney and brain. They are aphrodisiac. Morels will generally contain significant amounts of Iron, Copper, Manganese, Phosphorus, Zinc, Vitamin D, Folate, Niacin, Riboflavin and a decent dose of Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Selenium, Thiamine, Vitamins E and B6. Morels are also loaded with antioxidants, balance blood sugar, and repair liver-damage. Plus, they are high in protein and fiber.

Where does morel mushroom come from?

Morel mushrooms are found in various regions across the world, including North America, Europe, Asia, and parts of Africa. They are often associated with forested areas, particularly where there is a mix of deciduous and coniferous trees. Morels tend to thrive in areas that have experienced wildfires or controlled burns, as the ash and charred debris provide favorable conditions for their growth.

In North America, morels are commonly found in regions such as the Great Lakes area, the Appalachian Mountains, the Pacific Northwest, and parts of the Midwest. They typically emerge in the spring, with their appearance varying depending on climate and local conditions.

It's worth noting that while morels are sought after by foragers and highly regarded in culinary circles, they can be challenging to find and are known for their elusive nature. They often grow in scattered patches or individually and are known for their distinctive honeycomb-like cap and earthy, nutty flavor.




Morel Chicken Soup 

Main effects: “Yiweixiaoshi,” regulating Qi and reducing phlegm, which means it improves digestion and immunity. 

Ingredients: for 2-3 persons

½ chicken (3 grams of raw meat)

20 grams of morel mushrooms (dried)

20 grams of dried Chinese white yam (Rhizoma Dioscorea, Chinese white yam)

3 red dates (jujube)

2 grams of goji berries 

2 slices of raw ginger, chopped

Cooking method: 

Wash and chop the chicken into pieces, reserve the pieces in cold water. Soak the mushrooms in warm water for 1/2 hour after washing. Discard the water. Rinse the dates and goji berries. Add all ingredients to the soup pot, add 1.5-2 liters (6-8 cups) of water. Cook for 15 minutes on high heat, skim off any foam from the water to remove excess fat, and simmer on low heat for one hour. Add a small amount of salt to season.

羊肚菌「性平、味甘,具有益腸胃、消化助食、化痰理氣、補腎、壯陽、補腦、提神之功能,對脾胃虛弱、消化不良、痰多氣短、頭暈失眠有良好的治療作用。 羊肚菌有機鍺含量較高,具有強健身體、預防感冒、增強人體免疫力的功效。