Spicy Abalone and Vermicelli Casserole




• 1 罐智利罐頭鮑魚(6-8頭)
• 200 克粉絲
• 2 片姜
• 2 朵蒜
• 1 棵葱
• 2 湯匙豆瓣醬
• 2 湯匙紅油豆瓣醬
• 1 湯匙辣椒粉
• 1 湯匙酒
• 適量食用油
• 適量鹽
1. 鮑魚加熱後備用。
2. 粉絲泡水软化后捞起,备用。
3. 姜、蒜、葱分别切末备用。
4. 锅中加入适量油,放入姜蒜末煸炒出香味,加入豆瓣醬、紅油豆瓣醬、辣椒粉继续煸炒出红油,加入适量的水。
5. 加入泡好的粉絲煮2-3分钟即可出锅。
6. 最後加入准備好的鮑汁鮑魚

Spicy abalone and vermicelli casserole is a delicious dish, and the following are the steps to make it:
• 1 medium-sized abalone (about 250g)
• 200g vermicelli
• 2 slices ginger
• 2 cloves garlic
• 1 scallion
• 2 tablespoons doubanjiang (broad bean paste)
• 2 tablespoons red oil doubanjiang
• 1 tablespoon chili powder
• 1 tablespoon rice wine
• Appropriate amount of cooking oil
1. Stimmer canned abalone and set aside for later use
2. Soak the vermicelli in water until softened, then remove and set aside.
3. Finely chop the ginger, garlic, and scallion, and set aside.
4. Put a moderate amount of oil to the wok, stir-fry the ginger and garlic until fragrant, then add the doubanjiang, red oil doubanjiang, and chili powder, and continue stir-frying until the oil turns red. Add a moderate amount of water.
5. add the soaked vermicelli and cook for 2-3 minutes. Serve.
6. Finally add abalone and the braised sauce on top of the vermicelli.
After completion, the spicy abalone and vermicelli casserole has a bright color, a rich aroma, and a soft texture. It also has the delicious flavor of abalone and the spicy taste of chili, making it very delicious.

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