Mushroom Soup


Bak kut teh is a popular dish that originated in Malaysia and Singapore. It is a pork rib soup that is simmered in a broth made with a blend of herbs and spices such as garlic, cinnamon, cloves, and star anise. The soup is typically served with white rice and various side dishes such as tofu, vegetables, and fried dough fritters.

There are two main types of bak kut teh: the Hokkien-style and the Teochew-style. The Hokkien-style is the most common and is characterized by a thick, dark, and flavorful broth. The Teochew-style, on the other hand, has a lighter broth that is clear and savory.

Bak kut teh is a dish that is often enjoyed for breakfast or brunch, and it is also believed to have health benefits such as improving blood circulation and boosting the immune system. It is a must-try dish for anyone visiting Malaysia or Singapore.



驅寒養生美食肉骨茶,用了jumbo size 的日本花菇做,口感十足!


腩排肉 1200克 (用了pork shoulder meat)

日本特大花菇 4個 ( Japanese Jumbo Mushroom)

蒜片 20克

當歸 3片

白胡椒粒 50克

杞子 30克

紅棗 4粒

玉竹 40克

黨參 40克

甘草 20克 

丁香 10克

陳皮 15克

八角 4粒

桂枝 1 支 2寸長

小茴香 10 克

孜然 10 克

北芪 40克

黃精 10克

田七 10 克

清雞湯 2 cups (是令湯頭更清甜的重點材料)








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